Deals 17
- Palats Ukraina
- Universytet
- + 2 stations
- from 20.11.2024 to 30.04.2025
13 Glasses Selection in the Dim Optiki
6 addresses in 4 cities - Palats Ukraina
- Universytet
- + 2 stations
- from 25.01.2024 to 30.04.2025
9 Selection of Contact Lenses at Dim Optics
6 addresses in 4 cities - Palats Ukraina
- Universytet
- Arkhitektora Beketova
1 Deal is completedSelection of Contact Lenses at Dim Optics
5 addresses in 4 cities - Palats Ukraina
- Universytet
- Arkhitektora Beketova
18 Deal is completedSelection of Contact Lenses in Dim Optics
5 addresses in 4 cities - Maidan Konstytutsii
- Universytet
- Arkhitektora Beketova
37 Deal is completedExamination by an ophthalmologist in the "house of optics"
4 addresses in Kharkiv - Syrets'
18 Deal is completedEyesight Examination with the Contact Lenses
Kiev, Pravdy prospect, 47 1 Deal is completedEyesight examination in the «House of Optics»
Dnieper, Dmitry Yavornitsky prospect, 46 - Universytet
- Lisova
- + 3 stations
2 Deal is completedEyesight Examination in the «House of Optics»
5 addresses in Kyiv - Universytet
- Lisova
- + 3 stations
81 Deal is completedEyesight examination with fitting contact lenses
5 addresses in Kyiv - Universytet
- Palats Ukraina
- + 4 stations
5 Deal is completedEyesight examination with fitting contact lenses
6 addresses in Kyiv 52 Deal is completedEyesight examination in the «House of Optics»
Dnieper, Dmitry Yavornitsky prospect, 46 - Show all 17 deals
About company Dim of Optics
Dim optics - a chain of optics salons throughout Ukraine. It offers a wide range of optical products and services. Ophthalmological services at Dim Optics include vision diagnostics, selection of glasses and contact lenses of any complexity, vision checks (monitoring in dynamics) and prescription of treatment if necessary.
In Dim optics you can find models of frames of different price groups - from inexpensive democratic brands to prestigious brands. The collection of frames is represented by models of various styles, shapes and functionality. All frames in Dim optics are original products, the quality of which is guaranteed by the manufacturer.