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Pokupon is the #1 discount marketplace in Ukraine.

For more than 10 years (since 2010) we daily continue to please our customers with new discounts up to 90% on services in the categories of food, beauty, health, education, entertainment, tourism, home service and comfort, hobbies and much more.

Together with our partners, we develop each deal and agree on favorable terms for our users, guaranteeing the partner a large-scale advertising campaign and new customers. In return, the partner provides us with the largest possible discounts for our clients.

There are two types of promotional offers onPokupon:

  • Coupon is a digital document that gives the right to receive a service at a discount on certain conditions. There are two variants of it. First – you pay for the service directly to the partner of the deal with the discount indicated in the terms. For example, buying a coupon for UAH 25, you get a 40% discount on the kitchen and bar menu in a restaurant for two and pay the check on the spot, considering this discount. Second, you pay the main part of the purchase value on the spot, considering the discount. For example, with a coupon for UAH 99 for two-hour extreme pit bike tour for one you need to pay UAH 1400 on the spot, in total, you get the service for UAH 1499 instead of UAH 2000.
  • Certificate. Full payment for the deal is carried out on the Pokupon website. For example, you pay UAH 199 instead of UAH 400 on the website for a one-tone gel polish manicure service and do not pay extra on the spot, showing the certificate in electronic form.

Taking advantage of the discount from Pokupon is as easy as shelling pears:

  • Register.Enter your email address and city in which you are going to use the discounts.
  • Checkout.After logging into the site, select the desired deal, click «buy» and pay in any available way convenient for you. After the payment is credited, the coupon or certificate will be displayed in the «My discounts» on the Pokupon website and in the application, and will also come to your email address specified during registration.
  • Show to the company the discountin electronic form from your smartphone.
  • Enjoy adiscounted service or product.

You can buy a discount only while the deal is active.

You can take advantage of the discount during the validity period, which is indicated in your certificate or coupon, stored in your personal account and sent to your email after purchase.

We work only with trusted and reliable companies. Before the launch of each deal, Pokupon and the partner sign an agreement that spells out the rights and responsibilities of the parties. We carefully monitor that partners provide high-quality service to Pokupon customers, and we carry out this in several stages: we check the partner's licenses for the provision of services, track reviews about partners, test the quality of services before, during and after the launch of the deal with the help of mystery shoppers.

instance: pokupon.ua