Deals 5
- Politekhnichnyi instytut
- Kontraktova ploscha
- + 2 stations
- from 05.05.2022 to 30.04.2025
1489 Up to 30% Discount on All Cuisine Menus at «Pate»
4 addresses in 2 cities - Square of Ukrainian Heroes
- Khreschatyk
- + 2 stations
10787 Deal is completed30% discount on all cuisine menus in the Pashtet
4 addresses in Kyiv - Square of Ukrainian Heroes
- Politekhnichnyi instytut
76 Deal is completed40% discount on all cuisine menus in the «Pashtet»
2 addresses in Kyiv - Square of Ukrainian Heroes
- Kontraktova ploscha
- Politekhnichnyi instytut
6 Deal is completedСкидка 40% на все меню на самовывоз в «Паштет»
3 addresses in Kyiv - Politekhnichnyi instytut
10 Deal is completedСкидка 40% на все меню на самовывоз в «Паштет»
Киев, Победы проспект, 18