Deals 5
- Politekhnichnyi instytut
- Kontraktova ploscha
- + 2 stations
- from 05.05.2022 to 30.04.2025
1460 Up to 30% Discount on All Cuisine Menus at «Pate»
4 addresses in 2 cities - Square of Ukrainian Heroes
- Khreschatyk
- + 2 stations
10787 Deal is completed30% discount on all cuisine menus in the Pashtet
4 addresses in Kyiv - Square of Ukrainian Heroes
- Politekhnichnyi instytut
76 Deal is completed40% discount on all cuisine menus in the «Pashtet»
2 addresses in Kyiv - Square of Ukrainian Heroes
- Kontraktova ploscha
- Politekhnichnyi instytut
6 Deal is completedСкидка 40% на все меню на самовывоз в «Паштет»
3 addresses in Kyiv - Politekhnichnyi instytut
10 Deal is completedСкидка 40% на все меню на самовывоз в «Паштет»
Киев, Победы проспект, 18 - Show all 5 deals
About company Pate
Pashtet is a chain of cafes in Kyiv, the menu for which was developed by the famous chef Evgeniy Klopotenko. Here you can try pasta and pizza, chicken broth and borscht with ciabatta and fried bacon, as well as meat and fish with various side dishes. They also serve breakfast all day. Justifying its concept, the menu includes a dozen types of pates from different ingredients. “Pate” will be appreciated by both gourmets and ordinary food lovers.