Deals 10
- Square of Ukrainian Heroes
- Lybids'ka
- + 2 stations
- from 01.11.2024 to 30.04.2025
7 Check up by an Ophthalmologist at Abbe Optic
4 addresses in 2 cities - Darnytsia
- Zvirynetska
- Lybids'ka
5 Deal is completedCheck up by an Ophthalmologist at Abbe Optic
3 addresses in 2 cities - Lybids'ka
- Darnytsia
- Zvirynetska
140 Deal is completedCheck up by an Ophthalmologist at Abbe Optic
3 addresses in 2 cities - Darnytsia
- Zvirynetska
3 Deal is completedCheck Up by an Ophthalmologist at Abbe Optic
2 addresses in 2 cities - Darnytsia
- Zvirynetska
8 Deal is completedCheck Up by an Ophthalmologist at Abbe Optic
2 addresses in Kyiv - Zvirynetska
- Darnytsia
65 Deal is completedCheck up by an Ophthalmologist at Abbe Optic
2 addresses in Kyiv - Darnytsia
39 Deal is completedExamination by an Ophthalmologist at Abbe Optic
Kyiv, Andrei Malyshko street, 3A - Darnytsia
104 Deal is completedExamination by an ophthalmologist at «Abbe Optic»
Kiev, Andrey Malyshko street, 3A - Darnytsia
8 Deal is completedExamination by an Ophthalmologist at Abbe Optic
Kiev, Andrey Malyshko street, 3A - Darnytsia
109 Deal is completedExamination by an ophthalmologist at «Abbe Optic»
Kiev, Andrey Malyshko street, 3A