Deals 10
- Square of Ukrainian Heroes
- Lybids'ka
- + 2 stations
- from 01.11.2024 to 30.04.2025
7 Check up by an Ophthalmologist at Abbe Optic
4 addresses in 2 cities - Darnytsia
- Zvirynetska
- Lybids'ka
5 Deal is completedCheck up by an Ophthalmologist at Abbe Optic
3 addresses in 2 cities - Lybids'ka
- Darnytsia
- Zvirynetska
140 Deal is completedCheck up by an Ophthalmologist at Abbe Optic
3 addresses in 2 cities - Darnytsia
- Zvirynetska
3 Deal is completedCheck Up by an Ophthalmologist at Abbe Optic
2 addresses in 2 cities - Darnytsia
- Zvirynetska
8 Deal is completedCheck Up by an Ophthalmologist at Abbe Optic
2 addresses in Kyiv - Zvirynetska
- Darnytsia
65 Deal is completedCheck up by an Ophthalmologist at Abbe Optic
2 addresses in Kyiv - Darnytsia
39 Deal is completedExamination by an Ophthalmologist at Abbe Optic
Kyiv, Andrei Malyshko street, 3A - Darnytsia
104 Deal is completedExamination by an ophthalmologist at «Abbe Optic»
Kiev, Andrey Malyshko street, 3A - Darnytsia
8 Deal is completedExamination by an Ophthalmologist at Abbe Optic
Kiev, Andrey Malyshko street, 3A - Darnytsia
109 Deal is completedExamination by an ophthalmologist at «Abbe Optic»
Kiev, Andrey Malyshko street, 3A - Show all 10 deals
About company Abbe optic
«Abbe Optic» is an ophthalmological center for children and adults, where complex diagnostics and eye examination are carried out on modern equipment using the latest technologies. The ophthalmologist's office at Abbe optic is equipped with the latest equipment from the world-famous German manufacturer Zeiss, which makes it possible to more accurately detect refractive errors. Qualified ophthalmologists will provide advice on vision correction and the selection of glasses of any complexity (myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, presbyopia, prismatic correction/strabismus), recommendations for spectacle and contact lenses, hardware vision treatment.