Children's family entertainment complex Igroland on the Heavenly Hundred
412 feedbacksDeals 7
- from 23.11.2022 to 30.04.2025
523 A Whole Day of Fun for a Child at «Igroland»
Odessa, Heavenly Hundred Avenue, 2 57 Deal is completedA Whole Day of Fun for a Child at «Igroland»
Odessa, Heavenly Hundred Avenue, 2 502 Deal is completedA Whole Day of Fun for a Child at «Igroland»
Odessa, Heavenly Hundred Avenue, 2 362 Deal is completedA whole day of fun for a child at «Igroland»
Odessa, Heavenly Hundreds Avenue, 2 282 Deal is completedA whole day of fun for a child at «Igroland»
Odessa, Heavenly Hundreds avenue, 2 99 Deal is completedЦелый день развлечений для ребенка в «Игроленд»
Одесса, Небесной Сотни проспект, 2 56 Deal is completedЦелый день развлечений для ребенка в Игроленд
Одесса, Небесной Сотни проспект, 2 - Show all 7 deals
About company Igroland on the Heavenly Hundred
The Igroland entertainment complex is the owner of the Brand of the Year awards 2008 and 2013. Igroland is an all-Ukrainian entertainment network for children and adults. Trampolines, labyrinths, amusement rides, professional animators - you can be sure that a trip to Igroland will be pleasantly remembered by you for a long time. All attractions of the network meet safety and quality standards. In the center you can spend children's parties and birthdays.