About company Jellyfish Museum
Jellyfish Museum in Kyiv is an interesting project created by professional aquarists. In the museum, you can find out how many species of jellyfish live on Earth, which ones are poisonous, and that there is an immortal jellyfish. Visit the Jellyfish Museum and see the exotic and unusual collection.
Address: Киев, Крещатик улица, 7 - nearest underground station Maidan Nezalezhnosti
This is a tiny little place next to Independence Square. It is small and doesn't take long to see it all. It's very interesting. It's a little expensive to enter. But honestly it's great to do just one time. I had a nice time. The jellyfish are peaceful creatures to watch.
Address: Киев, Крещатик улица, 7 - nearest underground station Maidan Nezalezhnosti
Must see in Kiev. Friendly staff, security guy if asked can take a picture of you, will put your phone into a napkin as a protection from bacteria. Since he takes many and great pictures, no judgement
Address: Киев, Крещатик улица, 7 - nearest underground station Maidan Nezalezhnosti
3 комнаты, по 10 не больших аквариума. Медузы плавают по кругу и пытаются выбраться, но врезаясь в стены начинают все заново. Много порванных, частички их тел лежат на дне. Музей человеческой неосознаности.