Center for Laser Aesthetics TOP Laser

186  feedbacks
Kiev, Bolshaya Kitaevskaya street, 10A
Cosmetology at the TOPLASER Laser Aesthetics Center at a discount
Myostimulation of the skin at the Center of Aesthetic Medicine “TOPLASER” at a discount
Laser rejuvenation at the TOPLASER Center for a special offer
Cosmetology services at the TOPLASER Center at a discount
LPG in the Center of Aesthetic Cosmetology "TOPLASER" for the action
Center for laser aesthetics "toplazer"
Center for laser aesthetics "toplazer"

Deals  152

About company TOP Laser

The Laser Aesthetics Center «TOP LASER» was created for men and women who care about their health and appearance. The cosmetology clinic is located in the center of Kiev, surrounded by business and shopping and entertainment complexes. Experienced cosmetologists with medical education specialize in a wide range of cosmetology services, offer the client the necessary and effective methods in an adequate amount, based on the condition and problems of the skin. The center is equipped with an arsenal of devices, including a low-intensity laser L«azmik», «LPG», a powerful and modern laser of the new generation «Fotona Dualis SP Spectro», technologies of the latest laser generation «T3», «FRAC3», «SMOOTH» lifting, «Fotona IncontiLase» And «IntimaLase», «NightLase» for laser treatment of snoring.


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