Deals 23
- from 01.03.2025 to 31.05.2025
77 50% off burger or menu at Burger Club
2 addresses in Kharkov 1350 Deal is completed50% discount on a burger or menu at «Burger Club»
2 addresses in Kharkiv 275 Deal is completed50% discount on a burger or menu at «Burger Club»
2 addresses in Kharkiv 791 Deal is completed50% discount on a burger or menu at «Burger Club»
2 addresses in Kharkiv 97 Deal is completed50% Discount on a Burger or Menu at «Burger Club»
Kharkiv, Geroev Truda street, 9 406 Deal is completed50% Discount on a Burger or Menu at «Burger Club»
Kharkiv, Geroev Truda street, 9 - Heroiv Pratsi
- Heroiv Pratsi
2958 Deal is completed50% discount on a burger or menu at Burger Club
3 addresses in Kharkov - Heroiv Pratsi
- Heroiv Pratsi
- Akademika Barabashova
386 Deal is completed50% discount on pizza menu from "burger club"
3 addresses in Kharkiv - Heroiv Pratsi
- Heroiv Pratsi
985 Deal is completed50% discount on burger or menu at «Burger Club»
3 addresses in Kharkiv - Heroiv Pratsi
- Heroiv Pratsi
207 Deal is completedСкидка до 55% на кухню и напитки в «Burger Club»
3 addresses in Kharkiv - Heroiv Pratsi
- Heroiv Pratsi
1081 Deal is completedСкидка 50% на бургер или меню в «Burger Club»
3 addresses in Kharkiv - Show all 23 deals
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- 89 feedbacks$ $ $ $ $Fast Food RestaurantBurger club on Zinkovskaya
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About company Burger Club Kharkiv
The network of fast food restaurants «Burger Club» in Kharkov is tasty, fast and inexpensive. The basis of the Burger Club menu is burgers according to author's recipes, including seasonal ones. In addition, you can find delicious pizza, potatoes, strips, nagens, wings, sausages and other snacks on the menu, and you can finish a delicious meal with a variety of desserts. The network of restaurants «Burger Club» is conveniently located in the shopping centers of Kharkov.