Deals 14
10554 Deal is completed45% discount on cuisine menus at «One Gogi»
Odessa, Bunina street, 29 8219 Deal is completed50% discount on cuisine and liqueurs menus
Odessa, Bunina street, 29 141 Deal is completed50% discount on cuisine and liqueurs menus at One Gogi
Odessa, Bunina street, 29 2965 Deal is completedСкидка 50% на меню кухни и настойки в «One Gogi»
Одесса, Бунина улица, 29 1676 Deal is completedСкидка 50% на меню кухни и настойки в «One Gogi»
Одесса, Бунина улица, 29 93 Deal is completedСкидка 50% на кухню и чай на вынос в «One Gogi»
Одесса, Бунина улица, 29 1154 Deal is completedСкидка 50% на меню кухни и настойки в «One Gogi»
Одесса, Бунина улица, 29 129 Deal is completedСкидка 50% на меню кухни и напитки в «One Gogi»
Одесса, Бунина улица, 29 959 Deal is completedСкидка 50% на меню кухни и настойки в «One Gogi»
Одесса, Бунина улица, 29 1081 Deal is completedСкидка 50% на меню кухни и настойки в «One Gogi»
Одесса, Бунина улица, 29 1215 Deal is completedСкидка 50% на всё меню кухни в «One Gogi»
Одесса, Бунина улица, 29 - Show all 14 deals
About company One gogi
«One Gogi» is a restaurant of real Georgian cuisine at affordable prices in Odessa. Here you can find a large selection of khachapuri, khinkali, traditional Georgian meat dishes, wines of Georgia and Ukraine.
The interior of the restaurant is made according to a unique design development, at the entrance there is a logo from real moss. One Gogi has banquet facilities. Another feature is the open kitchen, here you can see how your khinkali is prepared. If there is no time to eat in the restaurant, there is a takeaway service.