Pěkný bulvár v centru Kyjeva, spousta obchodů a stánků - od pěkných stánků s kávou, kebabem, ale i mušlí a svařáku, přes známé řetězce až po parádní místní obchůdek se suvenýry. Jsou tu restaurace a bistra různé kvality. V týdnu je tu velký provoz, na druhou stranu chodníku se dá dostat podchody. Pozor na agresivní lovce turistů, kteří vám vnucují k fotce opici, holuby nebo dravce, i když se bráníte.
Must visit for everyone. The street is the heart of Kiev and in the center of Kiev. Should go over weekend. Traffic is closed and it's open for only pedestrian. Live music , food stalls , events, concerts.Both side there are some very nice restaurants and bars. Some of these are open 24*7
Probably one of the most famous streets in Kiev is Khreshchatyk Street, starting at Bessarabs'ka Square by the famous market the street takes in some great architecture such as the grand looking Kyiv City Council Buildings that look amazing, the National Tchaikovsky Music Academy Of Ukraine and the superb statues and monuments that are found along this street and area such as The Founders Of Kyiv Monument and the Musical Fountains on Independence Square, theres also plenty of pubs,bars and restaurants along the street and innumerable shopping outlets, a wonderful street ,most definitely well worth checking out if your planning a trip to Kiev.