Churches and cathedrals St. Michael's Golden-Domed Monastery
4216 feedbacksAbout company St. Michael's Golden-Domed Monastery
Address: Киев, Трёхсвятительская улица, 6 - nearest underground station Maidan Nezalezhnosti
Nádherný kostel, blankytně modrý se zlatými věžičkami s tmavým, bohatě zdobeným interiérem. Určitě navštivte, v okolí jsou další nádherné kostely, přímo u sv. Michala je horní stanice lanovky a blízko je i vyhlídka.
Address: Киев, Трёхсвятительская улица, 6 - nearest underground station Maidan Nezalezhnosti
It was extensively remodelled in the 18th century, but was demolished by the Soviets in 1934. It was restored in the 90’s after the fall of the Soviet Union. The blue walls and golden domes of the exterior are very picturesque. The interior is quite impressive as well, and it is interesting to compare the fresh paintings here with the much older paintings in the nearby St Sophia’s.