Exhibition Kiev exhibition of live butterflies and other insects
81 feedbacksDeals 14
3 Deal is completed50% Discount on the Exhibition of Butterflies
Lutsk, Sukhomlinsky street, 1 2 Deal is completed50% Discount on Visiting Butterflies Exhibition
Ivano-Frankivsk, Volchinetskaya street, 225A - Pozniaky
296 Deal is completedСкидка 50% на посещение выставки живых бабочек
Киев, Михаила Гришко улица, 5 361 Deal is completedСкидка 50% на посещение выставки живых бабочек
Киев, Владимира Маяковского проспект, 43/2 13 Deal is completedСкидка 50% на посещение выставки живых бабочек
Киев, Владимира Маяковского проспект, 43/2 682 Deal is completedСкидка 50% на посещение выставки живых бабочек
Одесса, Небесной Сотни проспект, 2 381 Deal is completedСкидка 50% на посещение выставки живых бабочек
Одесса, Давида Ойстраха улица, 32 21 Deal is completedСкидка 50% на посещение выставки живых бабочек
Херсон, Суворова улица, 12 28 Deal is completedСкидка 50% на посещение выставки живых бабочек
Каменское, Строителей бульвар, 27А 688 Deal is completedСкидка 50% на посещение выставки живых бабочек
Запорожье, Независимой Украины улица, 76Б 17 Deal is completedСкидка 50% на посещение Выставки живых бабочек
Ровно, Макарова улица, 23 - Show all 14 deals
About company Kiev exhibition of live butterflies and other insects
Did you know that butterflies, according to the beliefs of different peoples, can bring good luck or financial well-being? And there is. You can find out these and other interesting facts about these most beautiful creatures by visiting the Kiev exhibition of live butterflies and other insects. Such an exhibition will be of interest not only to entomologists, but also to anyone who loves the nature around us and wants to learn more about it.
By visiting the exposition, you will be able to see with your own eyes the magical transformation of a chrysalis into a bright butterfly. The exhibition also includes other insects - tarantulas, stick insects, giant cockroaches and snails, as well as lizards, snakes, parrots and much more. As a memento of visiting the exposition, you can not only take photos or shoot a video, but also purchase themed souvenirs.