Deals 15
- from 12.10.2024 to 28.02.2025
33 From 1 night at Golden Sands on the Dnieper
Kuleshi, Green street, 1Zh 28 Deal is completedFrom 1 night at Golden Sands on the Dnieper
Kuleshi, Green street, 1Zh 194 Deal is completedFrom 1 Night with Meals in the Golden Sands
Kuleshi, Green street, 1Zh 113 Deal is completedFrom 1 Night with Meals in Golden Sands
Kuleshi, Green street, 1Zh 42 Deal is completedFrom 1 Night with Meals in Golden Sands
Kuleshi, Green street, 1Zh 85 Deal is completedFrom 1 Night with Meals in Golden Sands
Kuleshi, Green street, 1Zh 29 Deal is completedFrom 1 Night with Meals in Golden Sands
Kuleshi, Green street, 1Zh 332 Deal is completedFrom 1 Day with Meals in «Zolotye Peski»
Kuleshi, Green street, 1Zh 332 Deal is completedFrom 1 day with meals in «Golden Sands»
Kuleshi, Green street, 1zh 1 Deal is completed2 days for New Year in the hotel Golden Sands
Kuleshi, Green street, 1Zh 26 Deal is completedОт 1 дня в комплексе «Золотые Пески» на Днепре
Кулеши, Зеленая улица, 1Ж 57 Deal is completedОт 1 дня с питанием в «Золотые Пески» на Днепре
Кулеши, Зеленая улица, 1Ж - Deal is completed
Сертификаты на банкет в ресторане «Золотые Пески»
Кулеши, Зеленая улица, 1Ж - Deal is completed
Отдых в сауне в «Золотые Пески» на Днепре
Кулеши, Зеленая улица, 1Ж - Deal is completed
Выходные на Базе отдыха «Золотые пески» -40%
Днепропетровская обл. Петриковский район, село Кулеши , ул. Зеленая 1-Ж