Deals 34
- Pochayna
- Osokorky
- Akademika Barabashova
1931 Deal is completed30% discount on cinema tickets from «Planeta Kino»
9 addresses in 7 cities - Pochayna
- Osokorky
- Akademika Barabashova
1491 Deal is completed25% discount on cinema tickets from «Planeta Kino»
9 addresses in 7 cities - Pochayna
- Osokorky
- Akademika Barabashova
1313 Deal is completed20% discount on cinema tickets in the Planeta Kino
9 addresses in 6 cities - Pochayna
- Akademika Barabashova
629 Deal is completed25% discount on cinema tickets Planeta Kino
- Pochayna
- Osokorky
- Akademika Barabashova
1643 Deal is completedЗнижка 50% на квитки по буднях в «Планета Кіно»
8 addresses in 5 cities - Pochayna
- Osokorky
- Akademika Barabashova
2207 Deal is completedЗнижка 50% на квитки по буднях в «Планета Кіно»
8 addresses in 5 cities - Pochayna
- Osokorky
- Akademika Barabashova
3665 Deal is completedЗнижка 40% на квитки по буднях в «Планета Кіно»
8 addresses in 5 cities - Pochayna
- Osokorky
- Akademika Barabashova
4000 Deal is completedЗнижка 50% на квитки по буднях в «Планета Кіно»
8 addresses in 5 cities - Pochayna
- Osokorky
- Akademika Barabashova
3678 Deal is completedЗнижка 50% на квитки по буднях в «Планета Кіно»
8 addresses in 5 cities - Pochayna
- Osokorky
- Akademika Barabashova
2021 Deal is completedЗнижка 40% на квитки по буднях в «Планета Кіно»
8 addresses in 5 cities - Pochayna
- Osokorky
- Akademika Barabashova
1997 Deal is completedЗнижка 50% на квитки по буднях в «Планета Кіно»
8 addresses in 5 cities - Show all 34 deals
Promocodes 7
- saleВже використали 370 timesVisa Platinum and Signature card holders can buy tickets to Planet Kino cinemas with a 5% discount. Not valid for premieres and online purchases!From7/7/22 Before9/30/22
Planet Kino
- saleВже використали 168 timesThe discount is valid for ATO participants. To use the discount, you need to present the card to the cashier at the time of purchase. One cardholder can receive up to 2 certificates.From7/7/22 Before9/30/22
Planet Kino
- saleВже використали 368 timesIf you are a Visa Infinite cardholder, you will receive a 7% discount on Planet Kino tickets. Not valid for premieres and online purchases! Details on the site.From7/7/22 Before9/30/22
Planet Kino
- saleВже використали 34 timesAll members of the club will receive a cinema ticket on their birthday. Details on the website of the cinema "Planet Kino".From7/7/22 Before9/30/22
Planet Kino
- saleВже використали 661 timesFree tickets to the cinema "Planet of Cinema" are provided to children under the age of 6 accompanied by their parents.From7/8/22 Before9/30/22
Planet Kino
- saleВже використали 385 timesВсем участникам клуба в день рождения билет в кино в подарок. Подробности на сайте кинотеатра «Планета Кино».From12/14/18 Before4/14/19
Planet Kino
- saleВже використали 143 timesПри покупке билетов на сайте, в кассах и в мобильном приложении кинотеатра «Планета Кино» получай бонусы и оплачивай ими продукты в попкорн-барах. 1 гривна - 1 бонус. Дополнительные бонусы можно получать, участвуя в акциях в социальных сетях кинотеатра. Подробности на сайте «Планета Кино».From12/14/18 Before4/14/19
Planet Kino
- Show all 7 promocodes
About company Planet Kino
Mi - the best in the movie of the movie theater of Ukraine. Today our team is shy to lose heartless, abi leather is coming to us - the whole bullet.
IMAX technology is so awesome, the picture and the sound of skin film are especially special. One hall, possessed by IMAX, koshєє yak 10 sounding kinozal. Ekran zavbіlshki іz p'yatyuperkhovyh boudinok. The sound of the perfect, that you can see the whole world. The number of 2 used projectors should be on the screen, where the picture is 40% better than at the sound theater.
And there’s IMAX lasers, and I’ve got a lot of information about it, but I’ve infected the world. 4K image - no time to spend at the gigantic watercolor іz tropichnymi fungi and pick up all up to one vidtinki colors. 12-channel sound - you can literally run into the sound of praise. Veletensky screen - you’ll see yourself targeting Everest b_lya p_dnіzhzhya.
Technology presented in our cinemas:
- 4dx
- Cinetech +
Specialties of kinotechnology “Planet Kino”
Merezha cinema "Planet Kino" є representative of the Canadian corporation "IMAX" in Ukraine. All movie halls can boast of miraculous equipment - screens, high visibility, high sound quality, clear sound, high definition video and 3D image.
The IMAX cinemas have a special standard of ownership and patented geometry of the halls, I plan to learn more and enjoy the company for the whole world. For that, leather film is specially designed for such an IMAX hall. Tse has become a "mortgage" mortgage and vіdrіznya yogo vid vіshih movie theater.
“Planet Kino” has a leather-covered skin that eliminates unforgettable hostility in the movie rooms with Cinetech + technology. Vaughn includes in itself a glyboky sound, zrushchnі krіsla і miracle atmosphere of the hall.
The special screens of the guaranteed form guarantee the maximum effect of zurureniya in film history. Visoka is the image that is reached by the superiors of the Barco and Christie projectors. Visiting card of the given technology - the over-realistic “3D Leonis” with circular polarized light.
Why should the Planet Kino play vibe?
In the cinema іd Planeta Kino, they put all their grip, so that they could see themselves as comfortably as possible. Here the guests’s thoughts are constantly being expressed about the two-year-old movie hall, and they will be given telephone calls and social measures. Кірівніство Кінрафінів і інцеві «Planeta Kino’ take to respect all the vіdguuki і respect, so that you can indefinitely replenish your robot.
The company’s first mid-cinema and pawn shop in the country launched the loyalty program “Planet Kino Club”. Since 2011, there’s already 700 pounds worth of corridors to clear and take over bonuses: bonuses, free tickets, movie tickets and a comrade in a popcorn bar, gift cards for people until the day of birth, a promotional code with a free bag.
The company "Planet Kino" is ahead in Europe, has broken up the mobile supplement for the glance of glitches. Win permission to buy online tickets by phone, review information about movies, learn more about the session and distribution.
In the ета Planeta Kino ’cinemas, they were filled with traditional cinema projectors and sound systems. There are installed magnificent screens, covered with shades, and more beautifully possessed. For lovers of the most comfortable looking in the room, there’s a handy VIP-seat, you can easily flip it into the sofa.
The company pidbirє naykrashchikh pracіvnikіv, navchaє і pіdvishchu ikh their kvalіfіkatsіyu, shchob service services, wait for me to get lost. Kerivnitstvo postіyno kontrolк yakіst robots іvrobіtnikіv і additional assistance to become shortened at your help.