Deals 14
158 Deal is completedVisit Museum of Interesting Science, Planetarium
Odessa, Shevchenko Avenue, 4E 2877 Deal is completedVisit to the Museum of Interesting Science
Odessa, Shevchenko Avenue, 4E 90 Deal is completed67% Discount on a Ticket to the Museum of Science
Odessa, Shevchenko Avenue, 4E 7 Deal is completed50% discount on visiting the "Carlson" quest for children
Odessa, Shevchenko Avenue, 4E 1442 Deal is completed2467 Deal is completedВходной билет в «Музей интересной науки»
Одесса, Шевченка проспект, 4Е 1982 Deal is completedВходной билет в «Музей интересной науки»
Одесса, Шевченка проспект, 4Е 1480 Deal is completedПосещение Музея интересной науки»
Одесса, Шевченка проспект, 4Е 1000 Deal is completedПосещение «Музея Интересной Науки»
Одесса, Шевченка проспект, 4Е 790 Deal is completedСкидка 50% на посещение «Музея Интересной Науки»
Одесса, Шевченка проспект, 4Е 113 Deal is completedПосещение Музея интересной науки + планетария
Одесса, проспект Шевченко, 4Е - Show all 14 deals
About company Interesting Science
The Museum of Interesting Science is a unique place in the city of Odessa, where everyone can touch and understand the structure of seemingly complex exhibits from the world of science. The Museum has experiments and science shows. The Museum staff will be happy to organize a holiday for your child both on the territory of the museum and on a trip.