Exhibition Center Expocenter of Ukraine (VDNH)

2445  feedbacks
Kiev, Academician Glushkov Avenue, 1
In the "Expocenter of Ukraine" everyone will find something that will captivate and interest him
"expocentre of ukraine" - a mixture of different types of recreation and hobbies
MikroZoo is an unusual zoo and a whole laboratory
The Expocenter of Ukraine has the largest carousel park in the world with all kinds of swings.
In total, the park has 45 varieties of carousels for children and adults
In "Expocenter of Ukraine" you can enjoy water fun
For a relaxing break there is the city beach “Pier 39”
Smart Robots Science and Entertainment Center presents unique interactive show exhibitions featuring the latest robots
Expocentre of ukraine has many years of experience in organizing international exhibitions in the country and abroad
"expocentre of ukraine" - the territory of international exhibitions and fairs
Expocentre of ukraine - the best entertainment of the country
"expocentre of ukraine" hosts concerts of popular performers from around the world
"expocentre of ukraine" - a magical atmosphere of winter holidays

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About company Expocenter of Ukraine (VDNH)

The National Complex "Expocenter of Ukraine" (VDNH) is the only state exhibition institution in Ukraine, a representative of the World Association of the Exhibition Industry (UFI) and the Exhibition Federation of Ukraine (VFU).

Expocenter regularly organizes international and national festivals, exhibitions and fairs. It represents the achievements of the country in the economic, scientific, industrial, humanitarian and other sectors since 1958.

The center organizes prestigious events at the national level with the support of the Government of Ukraine, line ministries and departments.


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"Expocenter of Ukraine" - the territory of international exhibitions and fairs

“Expocenter of Ukraine” has many years of experience organizing exhibitions of international level in the country and abroad. Events of foreign countries are held here, Egypt, Iran, Italy, Korea, Russia, Syria are represented. Each year, exhibition spaces host more than 100 specialized and official fairs and exhibitions (business, corporate, sports and holiday), which are visited by more than 600 thousand people.

Indoor exhibition space covers 18 thousand square meters. meters, the exposure area is 21 thousand square meters. meters, and the demonstration area and competitive fields spread over 30 thousand square meters. meters. The Expocenter of Ukraine places 180 buildings and structures on its territory, 20 of them have the status of historical and cultural monuments of the country.

VDNH - a mixture of different types of recreation and entertainment

In the "Expocenter of Ukraine" everyone will find something that will captivate and interest him. Unforgettable impressions await not only adults, but also children.

While parents are walking, enjoying the expositions of the exhibitions, their kids can attend classes in the Sverlik creative workshop. There are master classes that teach you how to create unique things from wood and glass using professional appliances.

MikroZoo is both an unusual zoo and a whole laboratory. This exhibition will show the amazing world of living organisms, which can only be seen with a magnifying glass. This entertainment will be interesting for future scientists and doctors.

“Blaster Wars” will captivate the guys in the most popular game of all time, because here you can feel like a superhero, shooting from blasters and leading your team to victory.

The new “Electric Cars ” will fulfill a childhood dream, allowing you to drive the cars of the most popular models on your own.

Does your child like fishing? Then the entertainment "Children's Fishing" in the "Expocenter of Ukraine" will please him. For a loyal price, the baby will feel like a fisherman, trying to catch his first trophy.

At the Animal Park Zoo , children can make friends and lose with animals under the supervision of polite workers. Fluffy rabbits, funny monkeys, friendly goats, llamas, raccoons and lemurs will gladly accept treats from their hands and give positive emotions.

The Expocenter of Ukraine has the largest carousel park in the world with all kinds of swings: classic, unusual, rope, forged, suspended, large (accommodate up to 10 people at a time) and others. In total, the park has 45 varieties of carousels for children and adults.

“SkyPark” will allow children to feel like real climbers, climb to the top and overcome the rope track. This attraction will be interesting for adults.

Teleport360 will show the new world of cinemas of the future, deliciously feed and entertain children in the quest room. Great place to spend family fun or meet friends.

The scientific and entertainment center “Smart robots” presents unique interactive show exhibitions with the participation of the latest robots. You can join the modern technologies of the future every weekend on the territory of the Expocenter of Ukraine.

Ganz Paintball is fun for real team players. Here you can play paintball with a script, such entertainment allows you to develop resistance to stress and teach you how to quickly make decisions in extreme situations. The organizers conduct sports competitions, championships of office teams, top managers, corporate tournaments and are engaged in the preparation of security structures.

VeloLife provides rental sports models of bicycles and provides an excellent opportunity to ride with a breeze through the magnificent landscapes of the Expocenter of Ukraine.

Do not want a bike? Then "Citrus rental" will surprise you with new methods of transportation - electric transport. And courteous instructors will tell and teach how to manage them.

In the "Expocenter of Ukraine" you can enjoy water fun. The attraction "Water Hill" in the form of a water slide, the length of which is 150 meters, will amuse you on hot summer days.

For a relaxing holiday, there is the city beach “Pier 39” , which provides rental deck chairs by the pools and water activities for children. Here you can treat yourself to an exotic cocktail and a delicious lunch.