Deals 92
- Vokzal'na
- from 11.01.2025 to 31.03.2025
3 Chocolate Mousse SPA Program at the Orchid Studio
Dnieper, Dmitry Yavornitsky Avenue, 39 - Vokzal'na
- from 22.02.2025 to 31.05.2025
1 Up to 7 Back and Neck Massage Sessions at Orchid
Dnieper, Dmitry Yavornitsky Avenue, 39 - Vokzal'na
- from 26.02.2025 to 31.05.2025
Up to 10 massage classes at the Orchid studio
Dnieper, Dmitry Yavornitsky Avenue, 39 19 Deal is completedChocolate Mousse SPA Program at the Orchid Studio
Dnieper, Dmitry Yavornitsky Avenue, 39 - Deal is completed
Up to 10 Massage Courses at Orchid Studio
Dnieper, Dmitry Yavornitsky Avenue, 39 3 Deal is completedUp to 7 Sessions of Anti-Cellulite Massage
Dnieper, Dmitry Yavornitsky Avenue, 39 3 Deal is completedUp to 5 Face and Neck Massage Sessions at Orchid
Dnipro, Dmitry Yavornitsky Avenue, 39 - Vokzal'na
16 Deal is completedUp to 7 Massage Sessions in«Orchid»
Dnieper, Dmitry Yavornitsky Avenue, 39 11 Deal is completedUp to 7 Massage Sessions in«Orchid»
Dnieper, Dmitry Yavornitsky Avenue, 39 - Vokzal'na
10 Deal is completedChocolate Mousse SPA Program at the Orchid Studio
Dnieper, Dmitry Yavornitsky Avenue, 39 - Vokzal'na
Deal is completedChocolate Mousse SPA Program at the Orchid Studio
Dnieper, Dmitry Yavornitsky Avenue, 39 2 Deal is completedUp to 10 massage lessons
Dnieper, Troitskaya street, 15/3 235 Deal is completedUp to 7 massage sessions in the «Orchid»
Dnieper, Troitskaya street, 15/3 1 Deal is completedBody shaping program in «Orchid»
Dnieper, Troitskaya street, 15/3 205 Deal is completedUp to 7 massage sessions in the studio «Orchid»
Dnieper, Troitskaya street, 15/3 5 Deal is completedUp to 9 sessions of the slimming program
Dnieper, Troitskaya street, 15/3 2 Deal is completedUp to 10 massage lessons
Dnieper, Troitskaya street, 15/3 4 Deal is completedUp to 9 sessions of the slimming program
Dnieper, Troitskaya street, 15/3 200 Deal is completedUp to 7 massage sessions in the phyto-studio "orchid"
Dnieper, Troitskaya street, 15/3 1 Deal is completedUp to 10 massage lessons
Dnieper, Troitskaya street, 15/3 9 Deal is completedUp to 7 sessions of aroma body massage in the orchid studio
Dnieper, Troitskaya street, 15/3 186 Deal is completed183 Deal is completedДо 5 сеансов любого массажа в «Орхидея»
Днепр, Троицкая улица, 15/3 9 Deal is completedДо 5 сеансов аромамассажа всего тела в «Орхидея»
Днепр, Троицкая улица, 15/3