Deals 42
- Nyvky
- Osokorky
- + 5 stations
- from 03.10.2024 to 30.04.2025
49 Discount for a Driving Course in the «Onega»
27 addresses in 2 cities - Nyvky
- Osokorky
- + 5 stations
10 Deal is completedDiscount for a Driving Course in the «Onega»
27 addresses in Kyiv - Nyvky
- Osokorky
- + 5 stations
57 Deal is completedDiscount on Driving Course at School «Onega»
27 addresses in Kyiv - Nyvky
- Osokorky
- + 5 stations
1 Deal is completedDiscount on Practical Driving Lessons in «Onega»
27 addresses in Kyiv - Nyvky
- Osokorky
- + 5 stations
126 Deal is completedDiscount for a Full Driving Course in the «Onega»
27 addresses in 2 cities - Nyvky
- Osokorky
- + 5 stations
28 Deal is completedDiscount for a Full Driving Course in the «Onega»
27 addresses in Kyiv - Nyvky
- Osokorky
- + 5 stations
641 Deal is completedDiscount on the Driving Course at the «Onega»
27 addresses in Kyiv - Nyvky
- Osokorky
- + 17 stations
529 Deal is completedDiscount on the Driving Course at the «Onega»
27 addresses in Kyiv - Nyvky
- Osokorky
- + 17 stations
509 Deal is completedDiscount on the driving course at the «Onega»
27 addresses in Kyiv - Nyvky
- Osokorky
- + 17 stations
498 Deal is completedDiscount on a driving course
27 addresses in Kyiv - Nyvky
- Osokorky
- + 18 stations
68 Deal is completedСкидка до 18% на курс вождения в автошколе «Онега»
28 addresses in Kyiv - Show all 42 deals
About company Onega
Onega is a network of driving schools with about 30 branches in the city of Kiev. Experienced car instructors teach you how to drive any type of vehicle, from mopeds to buses and trucks. In the courses, students learn the rules and fundamentals of road safety, first aid techniques, and practice driving in new specially equipped cars with a manual and automatic transmission.
Classes are held daily, in equipped and air-conditioned classes, at special venues and in urban mode. For 2.5 months you not only receive driver’s rights, but also become a full and competent participant in the road.