First Museum of Science and Technology Experimentarium

1788  feedbacks
Kiev, Stepana Bandera Avenue, 6
In the museum "Experimentium" will be interesting to "scientists" of any age
Explanation plates accompanying the exhibits at the Experimentanium Museum help to understand and not get lost in the world of science.
In the Experimentanium Museum you can do everything: turn it on, turn it, spin it, push it, pull it or push it.
Museum of popular science and technology "Experimentium" in Kiev. Buy tickets at a discount.
Experimentanium is a scientific and entertainment center, which is located on 1400 square meters and has collected 250 exhibits that are not hidden under the glass windows.

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    Кружки, игры, шоу, квесты, дискотеки - ваш малыш не будет сидеть без дела ни минуты. Стоимость: 480 грн в день. При бронировании места на все время проведения лагеря - скидка 10%. Подробности на сайте компании «Экспериментаниум».
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About company Experimentarium

The scientific and entertainment center «Experimentarium» will interest science of adults and children. More than 250 interactive exhibits on the main areas of physics (mechanics, electromagnetism, optics and acoustics) are collected on 2,200 square meters, educational and entertaining shows are held that instill a love of exact sciences. «Touch the exhibits, experiment, conduct experiments!» - such is the slogan of the Experimentarium Museum.


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«Experimentarium» is an exciting world of science and experimentation

If your child dreams of becoming a real researcher and wants to touch science, then it's time to visit the Experimentarium. Thanks to the museum’s interactive exhibits, each visitor can build a bridge without a single nail, see the emergence of a tornado, look into infinity, create lightning, make a magnet fly and make many other discoveries.

«Experimentarium» is a research and entertainment center that spans 1,400 square meters and has collected 250 exhibits not hidden under glass. With their help, children and their parents will be able to check the electrical conductivity of various objects, launch a cloud under the very ceiling or draw an intricate pendulum pattern. In the center, a child can fulfill his dream, and sit behind the wheel of a real fire engine or be in the role of a scientist. Here you can do everything: turn it on, turn it, spin it, push it, pull it or push it.

The exposition of the Experimentarium Museum is dedicated to such sciences and phenomena:

  • physics (mechanics, optics, electricity, magnetism and acoustics);
  • anatomy;
  • Department of «Mystery of Water»;
  • Department «Latest Technologies»;
  • optical illusions;
  • puzzles;
  • laser and mirror mazes.

Explanation plates accompanying the exhibits help to understand and not get lost in the world of science. And if something is not clear, friendly guides rush to the rescue.

Excursions and popular science shows at the Experimentarium Museum:

  • Reactive Show
  • Tesla Show
  • «Experiments in the kitchen»
  • «Laboratory of sound»
  • «Crystal mania»
  • Cryo-Laboratory

In the museum «Experimentarium» will be interesting to «scientists» of any age

Especially fascinating pastimes will be scientific circles, master classes, quests, games and competitions. These activities can captivate the child for a long time, bringing not only pleasure, but also benefit.

An unusual birthday in the form of a quest is organized at the Experimentanium Museum: children are immersed in exciting adventures together with the heroes of their favorite books and cartoons.

Students can attend thematic school trips that deepen knowledge in science. In the center, together with teachers, they conduct integrated lessons in various subjects, laboratory work according to the curriculum.

An interesting gift shop will help to continue experimenting at home. In it you can buy kits for young experimenters, creative kits, intellectual games, puzzles and encyclopedias not only for children, but also for adults.

If hungry, young and young scientists can have a quick and tasty snack right in the museum in a cozy cafe.