Deals 14
- from 22.03.2023 to 31.05.2025
87 50% off Mirror Maze at Apex
Lviv, Buzkova street, 2 29 Deal is completed50% Discount for Skiing on the Autodrome in «Apex»
Lviv, Buzkova street, 2 68 Deal is completed50% Discount for Driving on the Circuit in «Apex»
Lviv, Buzkova street, 2 29 Deal is completed50% off Mirror Maze at Apex
Lviv, Lilac street, 2 51 Deal is completed50% Discount for Driving on the Circuit in «Apex»
Lviv, Lilac street, 2 10 Deal is completedDiscount 50% of 2 for visiting the mirror maze
Lviv, Buzkovaya street, 2 32 Deal is completed50% discount on roller skating at «Apex»
Lviv, Buzkova street, 2 - Deal is completed
80 minutes of laser tag play at the «Apex»
Lviv, Buzkova Street, 2 698 Deal is completedЗнижка 50% на катання на автодромі в «Апекс»
Львів, Бузкова вулиця, 2 394 Deal is completedЗнижка 50% в дзеркальний лабіринт в РК «Апекс»
Львів, Бузкова вулиця, 2 279 Deal is completedЗнижка 50% на відвідування ролердрома в «Апекс»
Львів, Бузкова вулиця, 2 - Show all 14 deals
About company Apex
Apex is one of the most popular sports and downtown centers in Lviv. All the best for all homeland, friends and people who love sports and more active dozvіllya. Apex - the one at the Lviv kartodrom with one-time participation in the races of five automobiles, which can grow up to 50 km / year. There is also a great Maidan for rollerblading, electric rental, a jumping school and a bag for something special for extravagancies.