Deals 5
- Heroiv Pratsi
- Akademika Barabashova
- from 01.05.2023 to 31.05.2025
62 40% Discount on Pizza at «Home sweet Home»
2 addresses in Kharkiv - Akademika Barabashova
- Heroiv Pratsi
137 Deal is completed50% discount on pizza menu at "home sweet home"
2 addresses in Kharkiv - Heroiv Pratsi
- Akademika Barabashova
28 Deal is completedСкидка до 55% на кухню и бар в «Home Sweet Home»
2 addresses in Kharkiv - Akademika Barabashova
- Heroiv Pratsi
79 Deal is completedСкидка 50% на меню пиццы в «Home Sweet Home»
2 addresses in Kharkiv 34 Deal is completedСкидка до 55% на кухню и бар в «Home Sweet Home»
2 addresses in Kharkiv - Show all 5 deals
About company Home sweet home
«Home Sweet Home» Cafe is an institution filled with comfort and a calm relaxing atmosphere, visiting it you will forget about the hustle and bustle of the city. «Home Sweet Home» is suitable for relaxing with any company, family, colleagues or relatives.
The cuisine menu is filled with variety and here you will find a dish for every taste. The cuisine combines dishes from different nations of the world: classic home cooking, American burgers, Japanese sushi, Italian pizzas and much more.
If you want to spend the evening calmly and relax from the hustle and bustle in «Home Sweet Home» we are glad to welcome you as a guest.