Deals 33
- Pechers'ka
- from 15.11.2024 to 28.02.2025
11 Visit to the Quest Room «On the Verge of Madness»
Kiev, Evgeniya Konovalets Street, 44A - Pechers'ka
- from 15.11.2024 to 28.02.2025
5 Visiting the quest "Experiment" from "Isolation"
Kiev, Evgeniya Konovalets Street, 44A - Pechers'ka
47 Deal is completedVisiting the quest "Experiment" from "Isolation"
Kyiv, Evgenia Konovaltsa street, 44A - Pechers'ka
48 Deal is completedVisit to the Quest Room «On the Verge of Madness»
Kiev, Evgeniya Konovalets Street, 44A - Pechers'ka
2 Deal is completedVisit to the Quest Room «On the Verge of Madness»
Kyiv, Evgenia Konovalets street, 44A - Pechers'ka
1 Deal is completedVisiting the Experiment quest from Isolation
Kyiv, Evgenia Konovalets street, 44A - Pechers'ka
98 Deal is completedVisit to the Quest Room «On the Verge of Madness»
Kiev, Evgeniya Konovalets Street, 44A - Pechers'ka
72 Deal is completedVisit to the Quest room «Experiment»
Kiev, Evgeniya Konovalets Street, 44A - Pechers'ka
3 Deal is completedVisiting the Quest Room «On the Verge of Madness»
Kyiv, Evgenia Konovaltsa street, 44A - Pechers'ka
4 Deal is completedVisiting the Quest «Experiment» from «Isolation»
Kyiv, Evgenia Konovaltsa street, 44A 6 Deal is completedVisit to the «Darkness» quest room
Odessa, Pushkinskaya street, 6 - Pechers'ka
9 Deal is completedVisit to the Quest Room «On the Verge of Madness»
Kiev, Evgeniya Konovalets Street, 44A - Pechers'ka
1 Deal is completedVisit to the Quest room «Experiment»
Kiev, Evgeniya Konovalets Street, 44A - Pechers'ka
456 Deal is completedVisit to the quest room «Experiment»
Kiev, Evgeniya Konovalets Street, 44A - Pechers'ka
584 Deal is completedVisit to the quest room «On the verge of madness»
- Pechers'ka
15 Deal is completedVisit to the Quest Room «On the verge of madness»
Kiev, Evgeniya Konovalets Street, 44A - Pechers'ka
9 Deal is completedVisit to the Quest Room «Experiment»
Kiev, Evgeniya Konovalets Street, 44A - Pechers'ka
5 Deal is completedПосещение квест-комнаты «На грани безумия»
Киев, Евгения Коновальца улица, 44А 4 Deal is completedПосещение квест-комнаты «Эксперимент»
Киев, Евгения Коновальца улица, 44А 6 Deal is completedПосещение квест-комнаты «Эксперимент»
Киев, Евгения Коновальца улица, 44А - Pechers'ka
18 Deal is completedПосещение квест-комнаты «На грани безумия»
Киев, Евгения Коновальца улица, 44А - Pechers'ka
275 Deal is completedПосещение квест-комнаты «На грани безумия»
Киев, Евгения Коновальца улица, 44А 202 Deal is completedПосещение квест-комнаты «Эксперимент»
Киев, Евгения Коновальца улица, 44А - Vokzal'na
326 Deal is completedУчастие в квесте «Эксперимент» от «Изоляция»
Днепр, Дмитрия Яворницкого проспект, 54А