Children's shopping and entertainment complex Magic world
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Совиньон, Звёздная улица, 46 421 Deal is completedРазвлечения в центре Волшебный мир -66%
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About company Magic world
The first and only in Ukraine children's entertainment complex "Magic World" covers an area of 5000 square meters. Here entertainment is presented not only for young visitors, but also for teenage children. Only in the "Magic World" organizers will do everything to fulfill your child's dreams.
"The magic world" is created for the joy of children
The first and only in Ukraine children's entertainment complex "Magic World" covers an area of 5000 square meters. Here entertainment is presented not only for young visitors, but also for teenage children. Only in the "Magic World" organizers will do everything to fulfill your child's dreams.
The children's center is located in close proximity to the Sauvignon housing estate. This ensures a constant flow of visitors who want to captivate their kids while they rest.
In the entertainment complex "Magic World" everyone will find for themselves an interesting lesson. For those who love outdoor fun, the complex features a laser club with incredible scenery, a real car and a variety of weapons. Here, everyone will feel like a real soldier from the world of the future, testing his accuracy and team spirit.
Slot machines-simulators make the Magic World center unique. They transfer participants to another world where you can fly a plane, become a racer and dance on a touch disco dance floor. In addition, simulators will be able to dip players during the Middle Ages and knightly tournaments.
In a children's paintball club, children from 6 years old play. This entertainment combines an exciting adventure game with real sports competition.
The "magic world" is what you have been dreaming of for so long
In the entertainment center incredible emotions await not only children, but also adults. A variety of playgrounds and attractions will allow you to have fun in a friendly company or family.
Satisfied with such activities, you can always relax and eat in the restaurant. It provides a menu of European and Japanese cuisine for children and adults. Healthy drinks and a wide range of delicious desserts will not leave indifferent even the most demanding gourmets.
If you are considering what kind of surprise the baby should have for his birthday and where to celebrate it, then you should look into the “Magic World”. It is here that professional animators will make any of your holidays unforgettable.
You can choose from seven festive theme rooms and more than 70 original programs with the participation of your favorite characters. Exciting show programs, excellent banquet menus and cakes to order will give maximum joy and fun.