Center for Aesthetic Medicine and Cosmetology Julia Beauty Studio
16 feedbacksDeals 9
- from 21.05.2024 to 31.05.2025
2 Up to 10 Body Shaping Sessions at «Julia Beauty»
Cherry, Vityanskaya street, 2 - from 22.05.2024 to 31.05.2025
4 Discount on SMAS lifting at Julia Beauty Studio
Cherry, Vityanskaya street, 2 - from 22.05.2024 to 31.05.2025
4 Strengthening the pelvic at Julia Beauty Studio
Cherry, Vityanskaya street, 2 - from 21.11.2024 to 31.05.2025
12 Up to 10 Sessions Of Laser Hair Removal
Cherry, Vityanskaya street, 2 - from 22.05.2024 to 28.02.2025
12 Deal is completedUp to 10 Sessions Of Laser Hair Removal
Cherry, Vityanskaya street, 2 16 Deal is completedLaser Hair Removal in the «Julia Beauty Studio»
Cherry, Vityanskaya street, 2 4 Deal is completedDiscount on SMAS-Lifting in «Julia Beauty Studio»
Cherry, Vityanskaya street, 2 - Deal is completed
Discount on SMAS-Lifting in «Julia Beauty Studio»
Cherry, Vityanskaya street, 2 1 Deal is completedLaser Hair Removal in the «Julia Beauty Studio»
Cherry, Vityanskaya street, 2