Deals 7
- Square of Ukrainian Heroes
- from 22.10.2024 to 31.05.2025
59 Check up by a Trichologist, Treatment of Hair
Kiev, Velyka Vasylkivska street, 32 - Square of Ukrainian Heroes
- from 08.09.2023 to 31.05.2025
7 Nano-reconstruction in Hair Health & Beauty
Kyiv, Velyka Vasylkivska street, 32 - Square of Ukrainian Heroes
- from 08.09.2023 to 30.04.2025
3 Cold Keratinization of Hair in Hair Health
Kyiv, Velyka Vasylkivska street, 32 - Square of Ukrainian Heroes
381 Deal is completedCheck up by a Trichologist, Treatment of Hair
Kiev, Velyka Vasylkivska street, 32 - Square of Ukrainian Heroes
31 Deal is completedExamination by a Trichologist, Treatment of Hair
Kiev, Velyka Vasylkivska street, 32 - Square of Ukrainian Heroes
194 Deal is completedExamination by a trichologist and hair treatment
Kiev, Velyka Vasylkivska street, 32 2 Deal is completedОбследование у трихолога, лечение облысения
Киев, Большая Васильковская улица, 32