Сoffee house Steam Coffee

18  feedbacks
Kharkov, Svobody street, 11/13
Discount on coffee and desserts at Steam coffee shop
Discount on coffee and desserts at Steam coffee shop
Discount on coffee and desserts at Steam coffee shop
Discount on coffee and desserts at Steam coffee shop

About company Steam Coffee

«Steam Coffee» is a coffee shop with a cozy interior, where you can sit with friends in a relaxed atmosphere for sincere conversations and aromatic drinks.

«Steam» offers a wide range of coffees: latte, cappuccino, americano, espresso. And in the tea list, you won't try all the author's tastes even in a week. You will also be offered delicious desserts that will cheer you up and perfectly complement your favorite drink.

Starting the morning at «Steam Coffee», you will get a boost of energy and good mood for the whole day.


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