About company BODY WORLDS

The famous German scientist and creator of the world famous exposition Body Worlds Gunter von Hagens amazes us again, this time more than a hundred species of wild and domestic animals will be on display.

The Universe of the Body: Inside the Animals is an unforgettable journey under the skin, fur and feathers of nature. It offers visitors an unprecedented immersion into the inside of the body of mysterious creatures. The author explores the amazing aspects of animal physiology and explains how animals move, breathe, function, eat, and reproduce.

The Kiev exposition includes more than 100 unique exhibits: from a guinea pig to a giraffe 5 m high. Visitors have a unique opportunity to see animals from an almost "invisible" side: through skeletons, muscles, organs, circulatory systems and much more.

In addition to entertainment, the exposition also has a cognitive and educational function. Dive into an exploratory safari with the whole family! Explore the biology, zoology and physiology of the world's most impressive creatures, large and small, at the exhibition of the creator of BODY WORLDS, anatomist Dr. Gunther von Hagens and curator Dr. Angelina Wally.

"The Universe of the Body: Inside Animals" is available to visitors of all ages. The exhibition will reveal the unique qualities of animals, for example, how a reindeer can move on icy ground, what a giraffe's tongue is capable of and why ostriches are very fast. Visitors will develop a deep sense of gratitude for our planet and discover the amazing differences between humans and animals, as well as discover how much we have in common.


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