Deals 8
- Politekhnichnyi instytut
1 Deal is completedAuthor's Tour to the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone
Kiev, Shulyavskaya street, 5 - Politekhnichnyi instytut
105 Deal is completedAuthor's tour to the Chernobyl exclusion zone
Kiev, Shulyavskaya street, 5 - Politekhnichnyi instytut
43 Deal is completedAuthor's tour to the Chernobyl exclusion zone
Kiev, Shulyavskaya street, 5 - Politekhnichnyi instytut
36 Deal is completed- Politekhnichnyi instytut
34 Deal is completedТур в Чернобыльскую зону в выходные дни
Киев, Шулявская улица, 5 - Politekhnichnyi instytut
9 Deal is completedТур в Чернобыльскую зону в выходные дни
Киев, Шулявская улица, 5 - Politekhnichnyi instytut
Deal is completedЭкстремальный тур в Чернобыльскую зону
Киев, Шулявская улица, 5 - Politekhnichnyi instytut
5 Deal is completedТур в Чернобыльскую зону отчуждения
Киев, Шулявская улица, 5 - Show all 8 deals
About company Chernobyl Exclusive Tours
«Сhernobyl Exclusive Tours» is a unique organizer of author's tours to the Chernobyl exclusion zone. The company proposes to spend an unusual and informative weekend by going to a mysterious abandoned city.
The organizers guarantee safety and help prepare for the trip, taking into account all the nuances. During the tour, you will gain knowledge on radiation safety and learn many interesting facts about the history of Chernobyl.