Official Rules "Buy Coupon Win iPhone 12 Before Independence Day!"

1. Promotion organizer
1.1 The organizer of the promotion "Hunters for discounts" (hereinafter referred to as the "Promotion") is the site (hereinafter referred to as the "Organizer").
2. Participation in the Promotion
2.1 Participants of the Promotion may be adult capable citizens of Ukraine who are registered on the website and have complied with the conditions and Rules of this Promotion (hereinafter referred to as the Participants of the Promotion).
2.2. Participants are not recognized and have no right to participate in the Promotion:
1) employees of the Promotion Organizer;
2) spouses, close relatives (child, brother, sister, father, mother, grandfather, grandmother) of the persons listed in paragraph 1 of this paragraph;
3) persons who are under the age of 18 by the time of the Promotion.
4) partially capable and incapacitated persons, as well as persons who are not citizens of Ukraine;
5) persons who do not meet the conditions or do not fulfill the conditions of these Rules.
3. Territory and period of the Promotion
3.1. The action takes place on the territory of Ukraine.
3.2 The period of the Promotion is from 06/03/2022 to 08/22/2022 inclusive (hereinafter referred to as the "Promotion Period").
4. Terms of participation in the Promotion
4.1 To participate in the Promotion, you must do the following during the Promotion period:
4.1.1. Make a purchase of a Promo code for a discount of 1 UAH. on the website for use in any category (except for the "Products" and "Tourism" categories) on the website from 06/03/2022 to 08/22/2022 inclusive, at a cost of UAH 15, allowing you to participate in the Promotion and win one of the gifts.
4.1.2. Each additional purchase on the Coupon in the period from 06/03/2022 to 08/22/2022 (inclusive) increases your chances of winning!
5. Gift and determination of the winner of the Promotion.
5.1. Under the gift in this Promotion it is assumed the possibility of purchasing a service (goods) for 1.00 UAH. Gifts iPhone12 64GB Blue.
5.2. Each gift will be raffled as part of a separate "sub-promotion" drawing. The winner will be determined from among the participants of the promotion who purchased the Promo Code to receive this particular gift.
5.3. The winner will be determined on August 23, 2022 at 12:00 pm by random computer selection, which will be held on the Internet resource in the presence of the Organizer's Commission. The results of determining the winner of the Promotion can be seen on the official Pokupon Facebook page.
5.4. Replacing a gift with a cash equivalent is not allowed.
5.5. The organizer shall transfer the gift to the winner within 14 calendar days from the date of determining the winner.
5.6. The Organizer is not responsible for the use of the gift by the Participant after it has been received.
5.7. If within 2 calendar days from the moment the Organizer sends the notification to the winner about the possibility of receiving a gift, the Promotion winner does not apply to the Promotion Organizer for a gift, such Promotion winner loses the right to receive a gift.
5.8. The results of the Promotion are final and not subject to appeal.
5.9. Promo codes for a discount of 1 UAH. on the site in any category (except for the category "Products" and "Tourism") are non-refundable.
6. Conditions for receiving a gift.
6.1. The winners of the Promotion will be informed about the victory and receiving a gift within two hours after the draw by telephone and / or by e-mail (to the contact number and / or email indicated in the profile during registration).
7. Responsibility.
7.1. The responsibility of the Organizer does not go beyond the cost and quantity of the gift specified in these Rules.
7.2. The Organizer is not responsible in case of force majeure circumstances, such as natural disasters, fire, flood, hostilities of any nature, blockades, significant changes in the legislation in force on the territory of the Promotion, other circumstances beyond the control of the Organizer.
7.3. The Organizer is not responsible for the further use of the provided gift by the winner of the Promotion after receiving it, and for the inability of the winner to use the provided gift for any reason.
Valeriia Kalashnikova, [06/03/2022 12:37 PM]
7.4. The Organizer does not enter into any disputes regarding the recognition of any persons as Participants of the Promotion and the rights to purchase a gift at a promotional price. The Organizer is not responsible for determining the rights of the parties in any disputes.
7.5. The Organizer has the right to refuse to issue a gift to the winner if such winner has not complied with other conditions of these Rules. At the same time, such a winner is not entitled to receive any compensation from the Organizer.
8. Information.
8.1. By participating in the Promotion, each Participant thereby confirms his consent to the use of the information provided by the Organizer for marketing and / or any other purpose, including the processing of his personal data, by methods that do not violate the current legislation of Ukraine (including by transferring third parties), in particular, the free use of his name, surname, photograph, interview or other materials about him for advertising / marketing purposes, incl. the right to publish (including his name and photograph) in the media, any printed, audio video materials, interviews with the media, in case of receiving a gift, as well as to send information, messages (including advertising) and etc., without any restrictions on the territory, time and method of use; such use will not be reimbursed in any way by the Organizer of the Promotion.
8.2. The granting of such consent is also considered within the meaning of Art. 296, 307, 308 of the Civil Code of Ukraine.
9. Other terms
9.1. Participants of the Promotion are solely responsible for the accuracy of the information provided by them and compliance with the Law of Ukraine "On Copyright and Related Rights".
9.2. Replacing the gift with any other benefits or gifts is not allowed.
9.3. In the event of a situation that allows for an ambiguous interpretation of these Rules, any controversial issues and/or issues not regulated by these Rules, the Organizer reserves the right to resolve such issues. This decision is final and not subject to appeal.
9.4. The Organizer ensures the objectivity and impartiality of determining the winner of the Promotion.
9.5. The Participant of the Promotion confirms the fact of familiarization with these Rules of the Promotion and his full and unconditional agreement with them. Violation by the Participant of the Promotion of these Rules or refusal of the Participant of the Promotion to properly comply with these Rules (including the mechanics, procedure and terms of the Promotion and / or receiving a gift, etc.) is considered the Participant’s refusal to participate in the Promotion and receive a gift, if At the same time, such a person is not entitled to receive any compensation from the Organizer of the Promotion.
9.6. These conditions are posted on the website
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