SPA-Program «Chocolate Euphoria» in the Salon of Beauty and Aesthetic Cosmetology

Lviv, Vladimir Velikogo street, 18

Beauty salon and aesthetic cosmetology Iryna Kobryn4.8243 user feedbacks

You can use the certificate during

01.07.2023 - 28.02.2025
by the end of
Buy for₴499

Description of the campaign

With the certificate you receive the SPA-program «Chocolate Euphoria» in the Beauty and Aesthetic Cosmetology Salon at a discount.

Service description

Chocolate wrap is considered a real happiness for the skin. Thanks to these pleasant procedures, even the most dry and rough skin will eventually become smooth and velvety. The advantage of this wrap is that chocolate is truly a very magical tool that can be adapted to absolutely any skin type. Thus, the ingredients contained in chocolate easily normalize oily skin, moisturize dry and even tighten mature. In addition, chocolate wraps will help cleanse the skin, as well as significantly reduce its inflammation.
Thanks to the famous property of chocolate to promote the production of the hormone of happiness, chocolate wrap relieves irritability and stress, relieves fatigue, and significantly improves mood.
In addition to deep relaxation, chocolate, rich in nutrients such as sodium, fluorine, potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, and vegetable proteins of cocoa beans, stimulates cellular respiration and microcirculation of the skin, strengthening blood vessel walls and improving blood circulation. As a nice bonus from being in a chocolate wrapper you can get soft healthy skin with a unique golden hue.
It is important to remember that chocolate wrap will help burn excess fat only if in addition to this procedure is a healthy lifestyle, which primarily means following a proper diet and active lifestyle.This unique ensemble of diet and exercise that burns calories, along with a chocolate wrap that speeds up the blood and promotes immediate excretion of waste products, will help achieve the maximum effect much faster.
It is recommended to seek the help of chocolate wrap after intense training, because chocolate, among other things, also has the effect of anesthesia. It's very simple, as a rule, after training the muscles ache due to the fact that they accumulate lactic acid, and cocoa beans are known to have a draining effect, which removes lactic acid and soothes muscle pain.
Finally, thanks to the chocolate wrap, you can improve the condition of fairly mature skin, significantly rejuvenating it and making it more elastic. This is due to the fact that chocolate contains strong antioxidant phenols that protect body cells from premature aging.

Additionally paid


  • Consumables (sheets, linen, towels) - 60 UAH.

How to use a certificate?

The certificate cannot be returned or refunded after its expiry date

You can use the certificate from 01.07.2023 to 28.02.2025

The price includes payment for information services provided by Покупон on the basis of the Public Offer, including the commission of payment systems for transactions on the Internet.


  • One client can personally use only one certificate.
  • Before buying a certificate, be sure to check the availability of seats on the desired date and time.


  • Discounts on certificates do not add up to other promotional offers.
  • To receive the discount you need to present the certificate electronically.
  • Name the last digit of the certificate (activation code) only when receiving the service. After activation, the service is considered provided and the certificate is non-refundable.
  • If the client signed up for the procedure, but did not show up at the specified time and did not warn about the cancellation of the session in 5 hours, the salon administration reserves the right to refuse to provide services at a discount.
  • The procedure is performed by a masseur with more than 5 years of experience (female).
  • Duration of 1 session: 1 hour 40 minutes.
Beauty salon and aesthetic cosmetology Iryna Kobryn 4.82

Beauty establishment

Phones: +38 (068) 567-50-43

Beauty and aesthetic cosmetology salon Iryna Kobryn in Lviv is a solution to many cosmetic problems of the skin, hair and body, a variety of modern ways to look better, well-groomed and younger. To look like every modern woman dreams of is not indifferent to herself and her life.

The salon employs a cosmetologist with a medical education and a team of beauty masters who appreciate the result and quality of services. Manicures, pedicures, haircuts, hairstyles and hair coloring, facial cleansing and peeling, basic skin care and treatment of skin diseases, body massage, facial massage - all the best and necessary for you to shine from the outside and light up the world with positive emotions. By the way, you can safely share this little secret of your beauty with your loved ones.

1 address in 1 city

Lviv, Vladimir Velikogo street, 18

Open: 10:00-19:00
In detail


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You can use the certificate during

01.07.2023 - 28.02.2025
Till the end of deal