HydraFacial facial treatment and diamond microdermabrasion at the «BG Lab» cosmetology center

Kiev, Pushkinskaya street, 20A

BG LAB4.1647 user feedbacks
saving₴1 701

Description of the campaign

With the certificate, you receive HydraFacial face care and diamond microdermabrasion at the «BG Lab» cosmetology center with a discount.

Service description

Diamond microdermabrasion is the first stage of vacuum cleaning on the HydraFacial apparatus. The tips used for the procedure are covered with diamond dust of various shapes and grain sizes. After a thorough examination of the skin and depending on the patient's problems, the doctor selects the necessary attachments and strictly controls the depth of cleansing. And, if everything is done correctly, the procedure is painless and safe, it does not touch the deeper layers, therefore it does not cause severe discomfort, and the skin does not require restoration. This procedure is universal, suitable for all skin types and can be performed at any time of the year.

«HydraFacial» is a modern hydrodemabrasion procedure, during which vacuum and special serums are used. The technology was developed by the world famous manufacturer in the field of hardware cosmetology - Edge Systems in the USA. During this time, the device has received many awards and recognition from leading experts in the field of beauty and cosmetology.

The peculiarity of «HydraFacial» is that in its process several stages are carried out, aimed at deep cleansing and rejuvenation of the skin. After the procedure, the face looks young and well-groomed, age spots disappear, the skin becomes elastic and radiant.

Results of the «HydraFacial» procedure:

  • The skin will become even and smooth, and expression lines will disappear.
  • Deep cleansing.
  • The complexion, tone and texture of the complexion will improve.
  • The skin will be hydrated, it will become more elastic and soft.
  • Skin firmness will improve.

How to use a certificate?

The certificate cannot be returned or refunded after its expiry date

The price includes payment for information services provided by Покупон on the basis of the Public Offer, including the commission of payment systems for transactions on the Internet.


  • Services are provided as usual.
  • Before purchasing a certificate, be sure to check the availability of seats for the desired date and time.


  • Discounts on certificates are not cumulative with other promotional offers.
  • To receive a discount, you must submit a certificate in electronic form.
  • Give the last digit of the certificate (activation code) only when you receive the service. After activation, the service is considered to be provided, and the certificate cannot be returned.
  • The procedure is carried out using the «HydraFacial» apparatus.
BG LAB 4.16

Aesthetic Cosmetology Center

Phones: +38 (067) 829-41-41

The aesthetic cosmetology center «BG Lab» offers face and body care services. The center's specialists will select the optimal number of massage sessions performed using modern equipment.

The main directions of the center are hardware cosmetology, trichology, correction of scars and stretch marks. They offer a unique beauty procedure and figure correction. A wide selection of rejuvenation procedures allows you to choose the most suitable one for each client.

1 address in 1 city

st. Teatralna , Kiev, Pushkinskaya street, 20A

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