Rent of the hall for the celebration «Yellow Hall» in the space «The House quest&party»

Kiev, Zhilyanskaya street, 97B

The House quest & party4.9118 user feedbacks

Description of the campaign

With the certificate, you get the rental of the «Yellow Hall» for 2, 3 or 4 hours on weekdays or weekends from «The House quest&party» with a discount.

Service description

«Yellow Hall» is a nice and cozy place to celebrate for a small group of friends.

  • Hall area - 20 m2.
  • The capacity of the hall is up to 12 people.

What is included in the price of the certificate?

The hall has:

  • Table 200 cm * 70 cm and 12 chairs (furniture can be delivered if necessary).
  • Photo area with wings.
  • Coffee area.
  • Sound equipment.
  • Board games (on request from the administrator).

How to use a certificate?

The certificate cannot be returned or refunded after its expiry date

The price includes payment for information services provided by Покупон on the basis of the Public Offer, including the commission of payment systems for transactions on the Internet.


  • Services are provided as usual.
  • It is mandatory to pre-register with the certificate number, an incorrectly specified certificate number does not give the right to write.


  • Discount on certificates cannot be combined with other promotional offers.
  • To receive a discount, you must present a printed certificate or an electronic certificate.
  • Call the activation code of the certificate directly when receiving the service (the last digit of the certificate code).
  • You can transfer or cancel a room reservation no later than 24 hours before the start.
The House quest & party 4.9

Party space with escape rooms and other entertainment

Phones: +38 (099) 355-46-86 +38 (097) 184-48-45

«The House quest&party» is a unique space for recreation, parties and events in the center of Kiev. «The House quest&party» offers for its guests:

  • Quest rooms of different difficulty levels.
  • Space maze for children.
  • 4 party halls - GrandPartyHall 120 m2, LoungeHall - 60m2, NeonHall - 35m2, YellowHall - 20m2 for different companies.
  • Festive paraphernalia for photo shoots.
  • Loft-style decoration, windows with panoramic views.
  • Programs for children's parties.
  • X-box and board games.
  • Turnkey complex corporate events.

1 address in 1 city

st. Vokzalna , Kiev, Zhilyanskaya street, 97B

(2nd floor, entrance to the courtyard)

Sorry, the schedule is not available.

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