3 tennis lessons with a coach according to the «Starttennis» program

4 addresses in Kyiv

Starttennis4.8332 user feedbacks

Description of the campaign

With the certificate you get 3 group tennis lessons for children from 4 to 12 years old under the guidance of a coach under the «Starttennis» program with a discount of up to 83%. The offer is valid only for new customers.

How to use a certificate?

The certificate cannot be returned or refunded after its expiry date

The price includes payment for information services provided by Покупон on the basis of the Public Offer, including the commission of payment systems for transactions on the Internet.


  • Services are provided as usual.
  • The offer is valid only for new customers.
  • One child can use only one certificate for this promotion.
  • If you have 2 or more children, you need to buy a certificate for each child.
  • Registration of participants will be made solely on the basis of the completed electronic form .
  • You can also ask your questions in the registration form.
  • After registration, you will be contacted, and together with the administrator you will select the optimal time for training.


  • To receive a discount, you need to indicate the activation code certificate in the registration form.
  • Call the activation code of the certificate directly when receiving the service (the last digit of the certificate code).
  • If a participant of the promotion signed up for classes, but did not show up at the specified time and did not warn about changing his plans 24 hours in advance, the administration reserves the right to refuse him to provide services at a discount.
  • To play tennis on the court, you must wear athletic clothing and changeable flat-soled athletic shoes.
  • Rackets and balls are provided free of charge.
  • Duration of 1 lesson: 60 minutes.
  • Number of children in a group per coach: up to 4.
  • Class schedule: weekdays in the evenings and weekends.
Starttennis 4.83

Tennis club

Phones: +38 (067) 469-19-00

«Starttennis» is an all-Ukrainian program for training and organizing competitions for children, created on the basis of the Tennis10s program of the International Tennis Federation and many years of experience of Ukrainian coaches.

A unique methodology divides the learning process into 3 stages. Children begin to practice on a much smaller court with special rackets and gradually move on to new levels. Children who go in for this system show good results and at the same time do not lose interest in sports.

4 addresses in 1 city

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