Лечение и восстановление позвоночника и суставов у взрослых и детей в Южноукраинском центре восстановления позвоночника

Одесса, Бунина улица, 13

South Ukrainian spinal restoration center541 user feedbacks

Description of the campaign

С сертификатом вы получаете лечение и восстановление позвоночника и суставов у взрослых и детей в «Южноукраинском центре восстановления позвоночника» со скидкой до 68%.

What is included in the price of the certificate?

  • Обследование врача-вертебролога высшей категории.
  • Сеанс лечебного массажа.
  • Две - три физиопроцедуры по реабилитации позвоночника.

Additionally paid

при необходимости

  • Рентген беспокоящих участков позвоночника, головы или суставов.

How to use a certificate?

The certificate cannot be returned or refunded after its expiry date

The price includes payment for information services provided by Покупон on the basis of the Public Offer, including the commission of payment systems for transactions on the Internet.


  • Пользователь может приобрести неограниченное количество сертификатов, но лично воспользоваться только одним.
  • Необходима предварительная запись.


  • Для получения скидки вам необходимо предъявить распечатанный сертификат или сертификат в электронном виде.
  • Называйте код активации сертификата непосредственно при получении услуги (последняя цифра кода сертификата).
South Ukrainian spinal restoration center 5

Medical Center

Phones: +38 (048) 795-10-63 +38 (048) 704-84-94

People who lead a sedentary lifestyle, people who are overweight (which is an additional risk factor for the development of osteochondrosis), as well as those who constantly perform significant physical exertion, such as athletes who often and for a long time can load, often complain of back pain a certain part of the body that harms health.

It is necessary to constantly monitor the health of the back and joints, lead an active lifestyle, perform physical exercises and exercise, because if you do not follow these simple rules, it can lead to constant visits to doctors.

The South Ukrainian Spine Rehabilitation Center is a medical center in Odesa that treats diseases of the spine and joints after any injuries, fractures, operations, as well as for the purpose of prevention. Treatment at the center is carried out through physical conservative treatment methods, which include physiotherapy and massage. The medical center conducts:

  • Consultation of a vertebrologist/neurologist.
  • Massage (therapeutic, preventive, lymphatic drainage, anti-cellulite).
  • Electrophoresis.
  • Electromyostimulation.
  • Magnetotherapy.
  • Ultrasound therapy with medication (phonophoresis).
  • Dry traction stretching of the spine.
  • Darsonvalization.
  • Acupuncture and reflexology.
  • Electrosleep.

1 address in 1 city

Одесса, Бунина улица, 13

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