Скидка 25% на обучение стрельбы из лука от Донецкой областной Федерации стрельбы из лука

Мариуполь, Запорожское шоссе, 2

Donetsk Regional Archery Federation01 user feedback
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Description of the campaign

С купоном вы получаете скидку 25% на обучение стрельбы из лука от Донецкой Областной Федерации Стрельбы из лука.

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The price of the Coupon (Information Service) is non-refundable and non-refundable. Exclusion is possible only if the partner refuses to provide the service.

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  • Обязательна предварительная запись.
  • Участвовать в акции могут все желающие дети, юниоры и взрослые.


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  • Оригинальная цена услуги - 300 грн.
  • Обучение длится 8 часов.
  • Refunds for Information Services are carried out exclusively on the grounds provided for in Art. 10 of the Law of Ukraine 'On Protection of Consumer Rights'. To refund the cost of the Information Service, the User provides Покупон with the Seller's confirmation (in any form) that the Seller refused to transfer the Goods to the User on Special Conditions.
Donetsk Regional Archery Federation 0

Sports club

Phones: +38 (098) 598-07-20

"Donetsk Regional Archery Federation" is a young sports organization whose goal is to popularize this sport in the region and Ukraine. The training base is located in Mariupol in the Port City shopping center. Athletes from the archery school train under the guidance of head coach Shchipansky Valentin - a master of sports, a participant in dozens of competitions and tournaments.

Classes are held for children and adults. The school has all the necessary equipment to start training. For customers constantly carry out promotions and offer discounts on the purchase of subscriptions.

1 address in 1 city

Мариуполь, Запорожское шоссе, 2

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