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Адреса: Киев, Крещатик улица, 7 - найближча станція метро Майдан Незалежності
This is a tiny little place next to Independence Square. It is small and doesn't take long to see it all. It's very interesting. It's a little expensive to enter. But honestly it's great to do just one time. I had a nice time. The jellyfish are peaceful creatures to watch.
Адреса: Киев, Крещатик улица, 7 - найближча станція метро Майдан Незалежності
Must see in Kiev. Friendly staff, security guy if asked can take a picture of you, will put your phone into a napkin as a protection from bacteria. Since he takes many and great pictures, no judgement
Адреса: Киев, Крещатик улица, 7 - найближча станція метро Майдан Незалежності
3 комнаты, по 10 не больших аквариума. Медузы плавают по кругу и пытаются выбраться, но врезаясь в стены начинают все заново. Много порванных, частички их тел лежат на дне. Музей человеческой неосознаности.
Адреса: Киев, Крещатик улица, 7 - найближча станція метро Майдан Незалежності
Το μουσείο Jellyfish είναι στην πλατεία Ανεξαρτησίας στο μετρό Maidan Nezalezhnosti. Είναι ένα μικρό αλλά αρκετά όμορφο εσωτερικα έχει πολύ ωραίο φωτισμό και βλέπεις αρκετα είδη. Η τιμή του εισητηρίου είναι στα 150γρ περίπου 5.6€ καθημερινες και 170γρ. Σε αργίες περίπου 6.5€. Και σε σχέση με τα υπόλοιπα μουσεία είναι λίγο ακριβό! Είναι ανοιχτό και στις αργίες. Οπότε συμφέρει να το επισκεφτείτε σε αργία ή σε βροχερή μερα.Γενικα θα περάσετε μια ευχάριστη ώρα εκει μέσα κσι θα αρέσει σε μικρούς και μεγάλους .

Адреса: Киев, Крещатик улица, 7 - найближча станція метро Майдан Незалежності
The jellyfish museum can be early missed as it’s not big building, it’s underground.Firstly it’s not a massive aquarium with rooms and room filled with jellyfish it isn’t, so don’t get your hopes too much.It’s not the cheapest price in the world it’s 150UAH which is around £4.65 per person. But all the different amazing jellyfish you can see for me it’s worth it.There’s board next to each tank describing the style, size and diet of the jellyfish, the boards are in Russian/Ukrainian and English. It’s very interesting. It says no video filming whilst in the museum but we took some pictures and the staff didn’t say anything.There’s a lift gift shop at the end of the museum which offers shells, magnets and key rings which are all reasonably priced. If you want to read every board and study the fish in detail this tour will probably take you around 30 minutes but if you skim read everything (like me) and take a few pictures, it will take about 15 minutes max.

Адреса: Киев, Крещатик улица, 7 - найближча станція метро Майдан Незалежності
Went there since we did not have much else to do before the flight left. Takes no more than 20 minutes to see. Seems like some of the jellyfish are half dead. Some jellyfish are nice and have long poisonous tentacles so that is nice to watch. There is info in English about them but the info should be developed to make it more interesting. Price is a bit high for that short view.