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Tahle lanovka nám nečekaně vytrhla trn z paty, protože jinak by se naše asi 7 km dlouhá procházka prodloužila na dvojnásobek, navíc do kopce a v dešti. Jízda za 8 hřiven, ale potřebujete jiný žeton než do metra. Lanovka a její stanice je stejně pěkná a retro jako spousta dalších staveb v Kyjevě. U horní stanice je nádherný chrám st. Michail (st. Michael), nedaleko spodní stanice je například kouzelný kostelík v Dněpru Tserkva Mykoly Chudotvortsya. Obojí určitě navštivte a svezte se nahoru lanovkou, jako my.
It’s a great historic transportation to the hill, the views are wonderful in a nice fair weather. Nothing really special, however, it’s so cheap that it’s almost free! By the way, there are no more free places of interest in Kiev, so keep that in mind. If you book a tour, I would suggest to book something exciting outdoor, like I did. I booked a tour from Kyiv military tours and if was almost as good as a free(almost) funicular ride. Just kidding, it was much more amazing actually, because it’s hard to compare riding a tank and staring at the trees from the window.
Kiev Funicular is a great part of the wonderful transport network that has been transporting people up the hill since 1905 that is both cool and fun at the same time and as an added bonus is only about 20p to 25p a ride .It's fun, its popular and it's a must see site if your planning a holiday to Kiev or in this part of town and is easy to locate along Sahaidachnogo Street.