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Адрес: Киев, Владимирская улица, 40А
The composer Modest Mussorgsky wrote a beautiful piece of music inspired by a picture of the gate, which was later arranged for a full orchestra by Ravel. The gate itself is a reconstruction, as the original gate is long destroyed. A statue of Yaroslav the Wise is beside the gate and the reconstructed gate gives some idea of what the outer walls and fortress of the city would have looked like in the Middle Ages before the Mongol Invasion. The Gate itself was not open to the public on weekdays during the winter, but even the exterior is very interesting to look at.

Адрес: Киев, Владимирская улица, 40А
This was my first trip to Kiev and I was eagerly looking forward to enjoying the great pubs,bars and restaurants this city has to offer and check out the stunning sites to behold in this most eclectic of city's and without a shadow of a doubt Golden Gate is one of the most beautiful and famous buildings in Kiev.The Golden Gate we see today is by no means the original gate ,many modern historians are in agreement that this gateway was one of three constructed during the times of Yaroslav The Wise and constructed between 1017 - 1024 ,roughly the same period St Sophia Cathedral was constructed, over time the various gates that were the entrance to the city fell into disrepair and eventually ruin,in 1832 the ruins were excavated and bizarrely were reconstructed by the Soviets in 1982 but not without controversy as there were many historical groups competing with designs on what the gate actually looked like,no matter as it's an absolutely stunning piece of architecture, I actually got my first glimpse of this gate at night and it looked magnificent, the history of this gate area is amazing considering theres been a gateway of one form ir another since the 11th century ,made for some great photographic opportunities and its location in the vicinity of Independence Square and the impressive Khreshchatyk Boulevard is cool.The Golden Gate is most definitely well worth checking out if your planning a trip to Kiev and is easy to locate Vladimirskaya Street.A must go destination on any trip to Kiev.

Адрес: Киев, Владимирская улица, 40А
The most beautiful view in the evening when illumination is turned on. In foggy weather it has a little mysterious view. You should read about this place before visiting. Very nice park around of Golden gates, it small, but very cozy.

Адрес: Киев, Владимирская улица, 40А
Ιδιαίτερη από άποψη αρχιτεκτονικής.Βρίσκεται πλησίον της όπερας και επειδή μέναμε και εκεί κοντά την συναντούσαμε τόσο στις πρωινές όσο και στις βραδινές μας βόλτες. Αξίζει να σταθείς να την παρατηρήσεις κ να πάρεις μια ανάσα σε αυτό το μικρό παρκακι που την περιβάλλει να πιεις έναν γρήγορο καφέ και να ακούσεις κ μουσική από κάποιον που σίγουρα θα παίζει εκεί..

Адрес: Киев, Владимирская улица, 40А
Так как Киев был, есть и будет одним из моих самых любимых городов, я буду сюда приезжать при возможности всю оставшуюся жизнь. А голден гэйт обязателен к посещению, если вы гость города. Там, кстати, за углом есть классный паб с таким же названием ;-)

Адрес: Киев, Владимирская улица, 40А
This was built as the main gate in the 11th century to fortify Kyiv the capital of Kyivian Rus. It was named in imitation of the Golden Gate of Constantinople. While the original was dismantled and few pieces were left in tact, it was reconstructed during the Soviet Era. There is controversy around what the original gate looked like. There are numerous pieces on display within the gate. There is also an outer frame which supports the remains. There is a statue of Prince Yaroslav the Wise in the courtyard, historians credit him as being responsible for constructing this and two of the other gates in the early 11th century. As a bonus the upper level provides interesting views of the city.

Адрес: Киев, Владимирская улица, 40А
É somente um pequena parte de uma grande muralha que protegia a cidade, fica totalmente isolada em uma praça. Não é nada grandioso, mas se consegue boas fotos pegando o ângulo onde uma parte de madeira se encosta com a parte de tijolos.