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Адрес: Киев, Андреевский спуск, 23 - ближайшая станция метро Контрактовая площадь
The church is beautiful. We could not enter inside, once it was under maintenance. But its definitely worth going in there, you will have such a wonderful view from Kyiv. Its totally worth it.

Адрес: Киев, Андреевский спуск, 23 - ближайшая станция метро Контрактовая площадь
Currently closed for interior renovations, the viewing platform can be accessed for a fee of about 20 hryvnia and gives some nice views of the River Dnieper and the surround city. The church itself is a pretty Baroque building and the adjoining streets are full of stalls selling artworks, antiques and general things.

Адрес: Киев, Андреевский спуск, 23 - ближайшая станция метро Контрактовая площадь
St Andrew's Church ( Andriyivs'ka Tserkva ) is most certainly one of the most eye catching churches in Kiev.The church was constructed between 1747 - 1754 from plans by Italian architect Bartolomeo Rastrelli ,the church is part of the National Sanctuary " Sophia of Kyiv " a landmark of cultural heritage. According to legend this church has no bells as their noise would cause flooding to the left bank of the city .Overlooking the eclectic Podil neighbourhood sitting atop Andriyivska Hill.It is currently one of four monuments in Kiev put down on a list of architectural landmarks of Ukraine of Mankind Treasures of Five Continents by the World Society. My twin brother Stephen and I were wandering around this neighbourhood and this church is impossible to miss,makes for some great photographic opportunities and is most definitely well worth checking out if your in the area or planning a holiday to Kiev and easy to locate along Aldreyevskiy Spusk.

Адрес: Киев, Андреевский спуск, 23 - ближайшая станция метро Контрактовая площадь
Она из самых красивых церквей города. К сожалению, на данный момент внутри закрыта на реставрацию. Церковь стоит на возвышенности, поэтому даже с двух площадей расположен на подоле вы можете увидеть этот шедевр. Когда включается подсветка, церковь выглядит настолько утончённой и обвораживающей, что вы устанете делать снимки и самой церкви и понорамы вокруг. Обязательно к посещению.