О компании Канапа
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Адрес: Киев, Андреевский спуск, 19А - ближайшая станция метро Почтовая площадь
I loved the food in this restaurant. The decor is dark wooden, and the cuisine is local but also French style with homemade liver pate'. The meat is superb quality and well prepared. The wine list is adequate for the food offered. Lovely view from the back terrace, albeit we preferred staying inside for the seating comfort.
Адрес: Киев, Андреевский спуск, 19А - ближайшая станция метро Почтовая площадь
When I visited this restaurant I was given amazing food and I was given an amazing service by the staff there and I was able to get a great experience here. Would recommend this restaurant to anyone who visit Kyiv.