О компании Андреевская церковь
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Адрес: Киев, Андреевский спуск, 23 - ближайшая станция метро Контрактовая площадь
The church is beautiful. We could not enter inside, once it was under maintenance. But its definitely worth going in there, you will have such a wonderful view from Kyiv. Its totally worth it.

Адрес: Киев, Андреевский спуск, 23 - ближайшая станция метро Контрактовая площадь
Currently closed for interior renovations, the viewing platform can be accessed for a fee of about 20 hryvnia and gives some nice views of the River Dnieper and the surround city. The church itself is a pretty Baroque building and the adjoining streets are full of stalls selling artworks, antiques and general things.